issit no mood? or i've lost the feelin of bloggin?
the answer...i dun know..
well... forget abt now i suddenly feel like bloggin..hahax
skip skip~~
coz all these days mostly i did the same thing either goin sch, meet RS, Ken they all go around woodlands or nv go out so no point sayin..hahax
As usual go sch studyin..i GOOD BOI gt study de k..hahahax
then after sch go TPY cut hair alone coz RS dun wan go cut...
then at sch saw Warren and Alistair go cut themself bo jio!!
so go alone luhs....
it was like so boring, first time go there cut hair alone..hahax
bt suddenly i feel like v quiet and quiet is a good way of concentrate thinkin something without any distraction..hahax
sometimes i like tat feelin..:D
after i went home RS called mi go CWP meet him and Ken soon Ken de fren called him go Sembawang meet him then we all waitin Kang Wei which take MRT come board down woodlands then need go tap in again wasted his money..haiz..
then reach there slack slack.. take pic..

then after they go eat le go outside the Sunplaza there slack..
soon we all go back woodlands le before tat Ken's fren mentioned dunno where play pool 7 hrs $10+ dollars onli.. wahhs was like cheap like hell! haax
then back to woodlands walk walk go arcade c they play Dragon Punch as RS wanna win the 2nd price which was a PSP he hit 8900+ nia if i didn't remember wrong..hahax after that went home...
Actually wanna go play pool wif Yu Shih after sch coz he need fly back Taiwan on 23/5/08 4pm noon then change date go play at 23/5/08 10am+ bt then he c wrong the plane is at 10am..=.=
so can't play le luhs..
so after sch slack slack go back Woodlands then meet RS go center meet Kang Wei go play pool..
then his ITE fren Wen Hui oso came play tgt..
played quite long nia then Kang Wei go home first..
then Wen Hui go borrow 2 billard de ball from the auntie go play..hahax
lame rite? bt nice..xD
coz i first time played at billard table..lols
then after tat accompany RS go eat then go back home le..
it's been almost half a year i stayed at woodlands until midnite le wor..
12am++ last bus....
Go sch as normal then after sch 10am go Student Hub wif Ben,Ryan,Des and Mos to slack..
played Viwawa cheating..lols
as Ryan use his bro acc let us feed gt 10 concutive win on Match It, then Big 2.5 haven't get the throphy the councillor come say close at 3pm..lols
WTF!! can't believe it we slack from 10am-3pm...5 hours!!
i still left 6 rounds Big 2.5 to get 10 concutive throphy..
then went home as juz step in my house door RS de call come imediatly..-.-
ask mi go Yishun wif him he go take his PSP bt i say ok luhs bt around 6pm-7pm+ then call mi..
bt i overslp..
so sorry uhs bro too tired le so he go there wif Alistair take his PSP...
Later tonite going K-box to celebrate Froggy, RS and mine de birthday tgt wif lots of friends!
hope to be fun yeaaa~!
when i come back then i shall update more of the interesting things happened!..xDD
bye all....=DD