9 persons went K-box to to celebrate 3 persons de birthday together..:D
Me 25/May Rong Siang and Froggy 27/May all celebrate all at 24/May..hahax
Thanks every single person attended yesterday which are Andre, Hin Ann, Froggy, Rong Siang, Ken, Kang Wei, Jaslyn and Joseph and those who sms mi to wish mi Happy birthday today which are Benny, Desmond!!
as well as people from frenster..xD
well.. yesterday was fun yea!
afternoon 12pm go Woodlands Center meet Rong Siang and Kang Wei play pool but KW was sick he dun feel like playin so play wif RS awhile then he wan challenge an adult guy then they play v long sio.........
then 4.30pm we 3 go CWP meet Froggy, Andre, Ken and the rest go Cine together..
wahhhs entered the K-box we like wild animal first go grab the sushi then noodle then mani nuggets, fish balls beef, chicken, ham, satay all sorts!!! too much until left alot nv finish..

Haaaaa! These is just a "small part of food we take! hehe~~took by Andre~=D
then Andre they still bring 2 box come "Da bao" hhahahax!
great la this time is the first time i sing mani song at K-box
i go grab alot ice cream, water melons, jelly those cold food..xD
hmmmm~ i when singing "Cao cao" was funny la~ all shout shout then Andre say he outside taking food oso can heard..LOLS! all was playing like hell la Andre and Ken was the best singers among us as they can sing realli well, so good man!xD
after the K-box all was v tired le sio so we decide to ask the person work there help us take the group pics which i will upload below and oso take photo wif others while i ask Joseph help mi, Andre and Froggy take pic he dropped my HP!! nvm bt then he still can laugh! WTF!!! but nvm la since my HP was fine and nth wrong..:) then take MRT back to Woodlands wooo~ on the train a Ken go hit my stomach not v hard bt juz eat until v full abit pain..inside the train everyone was v tired oredi then i taken this pic..hahax

Hahax the SS= Sleepy Siang stood at the train..=p
hahax after reach Woodlands Kang Wei and Joseph need go home so the rest of us go 19 Coffee shop there drink beer gt the old uncle there treat us...then drink abit onli then around 12.30am+ Hin Ann and mi take last bus go CWP as his 911 come bt i sianz nia no 912 le so must walk home..=.=
hmmmm~ btw i got a new nick as mani ppl called mi "EMO ZHONG" i oso dunno y? hahax
mayb i look "Emo"? lols!
hmmmm~ ok shall upload those pic we taken at Cine~

Rong Siang, Me and Kang Wei!!=D

We 3 again!!xD

This time it was Me, Kang Wei and Hin Ann!!=D

Froggy, Andre and Me!! Joseph dropped my HP while taking this precious pic..T_T

Our group pics!! it was kinda blurr but i will remember the image well deep inside my heart....:D
***Yay! i finally got the song "Sui Ran Wo Yuan Yi" thanks Hin Ann for sending mi.. as i and one of my fren de sis was looking for this..:)***