yea it's great we had steamboat.. :)
then later need go "Da Gu" house at around afternoon to "Bai Nian" haha
yeah! ang bao!!! :)
this year new year bought alot stuffs which realli cost me lots of money yea! :(
needa have a good sav-ing plann le wor.. this year i total bought around 5 tops($200++) + 3 pants($90+) as + 1 belt($20) and a pair of shoes($59) + 1 2nd hand Ipod($100 so total will be like around =$469+++ jitao is wtf! 1 month plus army pay gone..-.-"
shopp-ing spree until i ki siao already..
the nex few pay i won't touch it unless urgent stuffs i swearrrrrr!
anyway now can just enjoy the chinese new year uhs!
all i wanna do is eat eat eat eat and EAT! :)
okay la now i shall post some past few weeks de photos on Hin Ann's birthday!(300110)

Road to Queensway!

At Queensway eat eat eat!

Me and Andre

Black chicken and me.. wahaha he now BMT jitao more black than mi when i was on BMT lo.. ^^

Road to Woodland!

Alistair and Me bored in bus..-.-"

Looking for place's to eat!

Dinner at Seoul Garden...

Priceless SMILE!:)

Group pic 1

Group pic 2

Relax after dinner~

Swee bo my face? LOL!:)

Froggy and the Birthday Kid :)

Happy 19 my 6 years bro

At Andre house after the birthday celebration..