had been quite busy recently and then in the future i dun think i'll much more time to blogg like this time le.. :(
alright... these past few weeks had been troubled by camp stuffs lo..
so damn busy la, had a hair cut on wednesday nights out, so means my nights out to enjoy had wasted already lo.. LOL!
next week gonna be a tough week and a challeng-ing week for mi!
AI train-ing 3 days 2 nights machiam like chalet lo.. -.-
and then Thursday and Friday got ATP shoot! :)
freak-ing look forward to it luh! i want Marksman Marksman! :)
hope nothing goes wrong on the live firing day and everything went smoothly!!
Yesterday had book out quite early yea, so meet up with some platoonmates and most of our commanders at Orchard for Cohesion dinner..
met Rui Zhong at Yishun MRT then train-ed to Orchard together then went Taka met with the rest, alot people at there already nia..
we went to ate at "Coca" end up we late then our table only got 6 people..
but but...
who knows it that the cleanliness was really very bad lo, theres cockroach all around our tables once the pot is heat up.. SMLJ?!
but good that in the end we change another table lo, but due to the change we miss-ed alot eat-ing time.. SMLJ?!
but anyway i also didn't eat much la cos had eat quite much at camp already.. sian...
then after eat le most of us went back home and some went club and other place ba...
only me. Rui Zhong and Sgt Hong Sheng took the North south line train back home..
in the MRT had quite alot of talk and jokes around.. haha
then Rui Zhong alight at Yishun left me and Sgt Hong Sheng there had talk about some camp stuffs lo...
So sian, i wanna be free from many trouble!!
SOC must pass! = No RT plus secure LCP rank!!
IPPT must Gold! = $200 plus badge!!
ATP must Marksman! = $200 plus badge!!
Must really work hard to achieve those above, I'll never give up no matter how hard it's gonna be to achieve it!
in camp, i know who are my true friends that i can really call them my "Brothers" and those who are not..
& i know there's some commanders had put quite high hopes on me so i dun wanna let them down..
but however i believed i had made let dissapoint-ed already due to my poor performance, so i won't let down to those hu had trust-ed in me again...
Pictures time!
Platoon 7 Brothers Cohesion night!
*Yesterday was History Tomorrow is Mystery...
I believe one day my hard work will be paid off!