firstly the picture below is what i had for dinner(Half a Mango + Grape Juice) healthy diet! seriously the mango are damnnnnnnnn nice to eat it this way instead of cutt-ing to slices! heeeeez~~
of cos plus ate abit rice laa, parents nagg y always so late went jogg-ing dinner hard to kept food for mi then dishes gonna wash together v late bla bla! ahahahaa!

Healthy choice!
Morning seriously wake up le no onli mum and mi at home..
bro go school, dad go work..
hais, jitao siannnn!
was actually plann-ed to go Tekkong Park for a morning jogg de end up didn't go..-.-
step out my room saw my mum using computer watch-ing drama show standard 1, lols, then i went brush teeth and went b sleeeeeeeeep again! hehe~
then around 11AM wake up mum watch finish show my turn to use le..;D
went blogg hopp-ing awhile and on songs listen~~~ then DOTA awhile....
siannnnz~ morning always hard to find ppl host game..-.-"
play-ed a few games mum go out 888 plaza de NTUC then i rot alone at home lo...
after 1 hour like tat she came b say NTUC gt sell 1 electric fan bt too heavy le need my help carry home, so go down fairprice there walk walk around while my mum was test-ing the fan..
found out actually fairprice there's mani mani healthy products for good diet and exercis-ing!
perhaps i should go down tml to have a looooooooooooooook! ahaha!
so bought the fan then i carry it home, seriously the weight of the metal fan is not light...
lucky my house near 888 plaza.. =)
reach-ed home put that fan at my mum de room then go out continue play DOTA as i didn't shut down com before go out..;D
Ken jio DOTA play-ed wif him 2 games both games = GG
sick and tired of GG GG GG GG GG games le, play wif pubs, Ah Mond, YS and co. ALL always same result.. either leavers or feeders, i go scourge 80% GG then sentinel got 60% can win, i think most pro as those hosts.. (Rubbish la! i dun believe host all host pro but the winn-ing rates i stat-ed seems quite true)
aiya ok la i think mainly is i noob SUA!=(
play-ed till nite time actual meet-ing Andre for run bt around 7.50PM he still no call, time seems gett-ing late then i go jogg-ed myself..
jogg-ed all way non-stop then near-ing finish-ing point he call-ed bt as i was already on the run le, so didn't go jog wif him..
PS ah bro..
so after that jogg-ed no rest straight chiong back home additional train-ing climb staircase all the way to 9th floor back home..
both legs jitao jia lat nia.....
went b home rest rest rest go bath, dinner eat abit rice + the mango and fruit juice above de, thats my dinner..
and use computer DOTA 1 game, yeahhhhh! won! hoho's!
watch-ed TV "Lu Xiao Feng" ahaha!
quite a nice show i guess will watch online ba? hehe~~
nite peoples!
Nothing are better than to have a healthy body!