Hi fellows!;D
i'm finally back after days of self-give "Absence" hehe~
has been MIA for few days la, due to phone getting more and more sot! sometimes got difficulty call-ing out and sometimes people call-ed talk few seconds auto restart..
i can sens-ed my phone's de doomsday is draw-ing near now
current situation = GG... hais..
tehhhhhhhhhh mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Oh was sianz nia *$!
especially yesterday lo, went tomb sweeping at CCK Cemetery..
oh well went there as dad driving us there by lorry, before went there go to Marsiling go buy all those things as the lorry behind was quite pack-ed and after that finally began go there, as reach-ed there went visit-ed first 2 relatives wheather was hot like idk billions of SUNS fall upon my face!-,-
then went we went to visit my ah ma which is the third we visit-ed at the Cemetery there then wheather jitao suddenly rain!
POMMMMMMM is a serious case of rain-ing nia jitao everyone of our cloth-ing was 0% dry..
mainly is cos my dad suddenly chu stun.. ahaha!
then my mom and bro go a small hut there for shelter but seems no use i stand outside wif umbrella machiam more dry than them in the small hut.. lols..
we stay-ed there for a veri veri long timeeeeeeeeeee before went off..
the whole grass and human path was fill-ed wif deep waters and it's totally cannot see any path but as that time i was quite piss-ing off by the extreme god-like rain..
so i decid-ed pass my bro the umbrella and chiong straight to lorry there mani obsticle sia i saw rock block-ing jitao jump left saw other people de tomb jitao jump right saw water fill-ed path jitao jump front.. anyway is jump-ing like a monkey la.. Laughs*
wahhh after the long jump-ing journey i onli fall down once! clap clap* was quite excit-ing actually la, hoho's!
then wait bros all slowly walk-ed "Safe" path everyone at lorry that's the most excit-ing part came..
sit behind of a lorry without cover so the 3 poor brothers was drench until like jump into pacific ocean and climb up!
especially when driv-ing at high way near Bukit Panjang there was cold until like mt everest crack-ed into zillions of ice cubes and fall upon my entire body..
jitao is machiam GG lo i tell u all ahhh~~
but it's 1 year 1 time la so nvm lo..
reach-ed home everyone was fight for 2 toilets and bath, after bath all everything went vista point wif family for dinners and back home use computer and then watch TV nothing special la...
after watch-ing TV use computer watch anime awhile off com awhile then later back on again...lol
Andre call-ed mi jus when i slept for around 5 minutes to he said i jitao MIA for quite long sia haha and ask tml wan go TPY anot as he meeting PBT and Louis(Consider-ed DOTA friend ba) for hair cutt-ing session i suppose...
so after the call went continue sleep but i realise my mind cannot continue sleep again after the answer-ing the call.. this is a serious situation sia, hais..=.="
so wake up use computer open songs and find-ing any good songs anot leh, but unfortunately i didn't found any..-.-
as i was using till half my bro starts to gett-ing angry for idk what reason then after hear-ing him nag nag say-ing his laptop was in critical situation that keep lagg-ing and got problem cannot be use or gaming...
somemore his school reopen-ing soon liao nia... sad la so i help him find CD cure as he suspect the window or what got problem..
manag-ed to found a useful CD bt wait till tml then do lo, then go blogg hopp-ing for awhile till NOW!
hmmmmm~ still wonder-ing i can sleep now anot sia.... sleepy but yet enegetic to fly if anyone ask mi out now meet i 100% no problem de(Woodlands/Admiralty/Marsiling) onli..
Andre they meet-ing 9.30AM idk i can make it anot la..
i'm currently now fight-ing wif the demon inside mi..-.-
god grant mi a ulti that can destroy the demon instantly! hais..
Arghhh yea guess i should be able to meet Red-linders this Monday ba, as my freak-ing face is in a better condition now! hoho's
but sadly that my shoulders is now like dead fish dropp-ing skins it's quite disgust-ing to the extreme as i have to said it myself!-,-
tehh mehhhh!
oh as speak-ing of my fellow Red-linders members if any of you people realise by my tagg box recently onli gt 4 names appear..
1.AhZhong(Member of Red-linder clan and Owner this blogg u r read-ing now) Laughs*
2.Benny"Red-linders bloggs supporter"(Me and Desmond blogg regular tagger);D
3.Des(Red-linder sing-ing lover to the extreme! randomly then will tagg mi) ahax..
4.Olivia("Tallest" among Red-linders often tagg mi wif wu eh bo eh bo liao stuffs) lols..
now my tagg box jitao become "Red-Linders" de tagg box sia.. as when and why it became Red-Linders de tagg box idk oso.. perhaps it's easier tis way to contact Benny? as he will onli online once in a blue moon.. Laughs*
was angry to the extreme mode now all thanks to my skin!
hav to put reject some out-ings due to it but my face ok le shoulders wear shirt can cover so i think won't reject any out-ings currently? hope so ba..........
but i wanna go swimm-ing pool play more before PBT they all school reopens.. ahaha!
and yeah! i successfully quit DOTA for around 48 hours le.. hope i can play less ba...
btw i got a bad feel-ing rush-ing to my brain to murder-ed millions of my braincells INSTANTLY today jus few hours ago!!!!
hais, recently too mani of my braincells passes away..
was wonder-ing how to prepare their song ka..-.-
aiya c c~ i'm now speak-ing of my crazy nonsense words again.. damn....
okok shall pause here for awhile incase i gone more crazy and i swear i didn't touch alcohol today before i wrote this post.. ahahax!
tehh mehhh!
look forward for the nex update of my blogg!
*Your host is prepar-ing the funeral of his dead braincells...