*First of all a big "THANKS" to Desmond Ang for lending mi his earpiece!;D
Basically now is 3.33PM i've woke up at 12PM afternoon while i slept at 7AM++ in the morning..-.-
Finally i'm awake! i set my ringing tone to the loudest and i didn't even notic-ed Andre call-ed mi while i'm sleeping
Guess i'm maybe the first of second of 4 of us awake earliest today? Benny is another early waker.. Laughs*
wake up straight change up went 888 to buy foodie for my brother and myself, mother went out wif friends again..=.=
Yesterday night night went to Bukit Panjang meet up wif Benny, Desmond and Olivia..
oh yea! something great to said it! this time i never late infact i'm first to reach-ed even before Benny reach-ed.. Laughs*
then sit down bus stop waiting for Des they both came lo..
reach-ed le walk walk to Bukit Panjang Plaza! first time in my life went there and it was such a sucky and small shopping center..=.=
walk there not even 20 mins nothing walk le, went KFC for dinner..;D
4 days continuesly KFC marathon.. =,=
after KFC-ing bus-ed to Benny condo inside slack slack chat chat talk talk.. haha
went the game room or idk what de air-con nt bad.. but around 11PM+?? a security guard come say it's almost time to lock there ask us to leave.. ok walk to swimming pool there sit slack walk around the pool with barefoot-ed then mi and Desmond splashing waters like idiots..-.-
soon went somewhere nearby shop and save Des and Olivia bought potato chips then we went 7-Eleven bought cold drinks and walk-ed back his condo slack slack eat and drink..
but somehow the security guard are having some problem or idk what, keep come kpkb us say wat gt resident complain while most lights are off and we were speaking so softly that even Ants cannot hear and still got resident can hear-ed?
if there's a stupid resident so late dun wan sleep just spying people chatting there anyhow complain then this kind of humans can simply go die...
but we guess 90% the security guard talk cock say wat resident say wat his boss.. fuck him la..
so went off awhile and went to play ground beside the swimming pool sit down and another lady who's like crazy as like talking on phones for hourss machiam her hp bat infinity 1..=.=
talk talk so loud then if we nv ask the guard confirm the guard won't go ask the lady go as well... fuck his mother...
then sit at play ground there talk talk alot things lo this time outting i gt much things to say unlike the last meet out which i onli spoken a few words...
**Sad leh we red-lineders bottle inside got 5 colour elements than now like we lost the "Dark" element among us so we left 4 yellow elements and which is quite a sad case for the 4 remaining elements
we tonn there until 5.30AM morning take first bus went off lo, i b to Woodlands then Des and Oli went b Yishun lo.. Benny easiest 1, take 1 elevator can sleep le.. hahax..
reach-ed Woodland interchange was like sleepy sleepy but endure it till my house there take off contact lens, bath, dry hair and went sleep le once my hair is dri-ed.. taken a few pictures before i fall to bed
i'm still currently suffering from abit of coughing...
i saw the bright blue clear sky!
Benny house swimming pool
Beautiful scene uh?
The last picture i took before i fallen to sleep.. ahah!
Later shall meet Andre up at 515 for dinner hope i will not fall asleep at there and hope the earpiece that Des lend mi won't piak!!!!!!! again.. lols
hais hais... recently alot ppl ask mi y i dun find girlfriend?
there's lots people askin mi le RS, Kao, Olivia, Benny and Desmond...
and my answer the same... eh look RS 1 of my buddy, he gt stead like more stress than happy but of cos got something he enjoys it la.. ahaha!
then Alan oso like sometime sianz sianz about his relationship thingy
Benny as well, sometimes like talk-ed until him and his Gfriend he like sianz sianz or stress stress..
absolute boring now.....
preparing the journey to 515 soon at 6.30pm..=.=
it's been long long long i've not tonn outside until morning ever since my friends kena cases..-.-
*Your host is a super ton-ner..!>.<