it's still not even past 1 hour since my previous last post..
arghhhh simply can't sleep now is 2.24AM...
seriously i've got nothing to do, so i madly went to my mani my friends de blogg link and then link to their friends and read mani ppl which idk de blogg, there are a few i found it quite interesting as got quite mani things interest-ed to read..
but yet there are mani mani my friends still damn lazy to update their blogg! Laughs*
kuku bird laa~
i hate people loves to add oil to fire and add salt add vinegar when something happens..
as well as fakers and hypocrite ass, there are simply quite mani these kind of human beings living around mi!
i admire people who are straight forward, no cock pattern always be frank with no 心机..!
im glad that i got more friends belong to this cagetory..;DD
i'm super duper ultimately boring till the highest and the longest point of boringest that any human beings can endure and withstand it!!
now quite enjoy blogg hopping nia can know quite some strangers but got some link de la meaning got friend noe each other nt totally bo link de strangers that kind..;DD
this time seriously bye le, hehe~ maybe update at tonight? gonna have a good rest that i did not have during these past few days..>.<
Picture of the day!