first of all wish 2 person happy 18th birthday!
the fellows are Alistair and Terance!
yesterday late afternoon after the Lavender ICA building bla bla bla de..
Alan call-ed mi ask mi gt meet Ali help him celebrate so i ok lo, go meet him at CWP as the rain getting stronger and stronger i was delay-ed by it and end up i was the last to reach..-.-
then meet them at Arcade saw Yu Hang, hahax basket sia him on 3/March/09 gt BBQ nv call mi, along wif Cecil, Warren those my primary school friends..-.-
somemore this fellow gonna go for his car license nex week!
i wanna call him and Warren company meet up next week to talk bullshits ahahaha i miss them alright?
so chat wif Yu Hang while waiting Alan and company aiya nvm accompany him slack as Alan's they all still playing arcade, for so long that i go play-ed a game at arcade..
and i gave my "Arcade MetalSlug" virgin today cos it's free ma Yu Hang use player 2 i use player 1.. lols
ok la, as he waiting his friends ma so after all i go find Ali and company inside carpark....
slack go center play pool.... boring......!

after pool go eat abit and then Ali, Kang Wei, Ya Mei and mi take bus to 136 to have real dinner... then Alan go Somerset fetch Li Ling finish work
we kup money eat "Zu Chao" foodie was soso onli la, the Kang Kong nt spicy 1 then hotplate tofu was still ok la..-.-
then eat until half Froggy suddenly pop out from nowhere sia, scar-ed lols..
he say a guy wif him saw us at there then go report to him..
then he come personally tell us especially Ali? sianz-ed sia someone;D he drinking at 131 so after dinner all we walk-ed to 131 with less than 100 steps..;D
reach-ed there saw Frog wif his stead, Jun Wei, Ah Keat and some others idk ppl there then Frog take 2 bottles tiger come liao.. fk sia tiger worst beer ever in this world!
so i onli take a few tipsy and then went off, cabb-ed to 167 wif Ya Mei, Kang Wei they so went off first then meet Alan and Li Ling at 167 kopi diam slack wait the birthday boi to shit finish! ahahaha!
so we went Li Ling house then she show us some shocking photos of 2 girls that look totally different from past and present!;D
after that went to Alan's house slack they lucky they jus stay beiside each other de block sia no need run here and there..;D
at Alan house play Big 2, Black Jack and Show Hand without MONEY issue.. lame rite? lols..
after quite sometime the birthday boi finally arriv-ed so everyone bath-ed at Alan's de house and we went the voideck at Li Ling block celebrate for him lo..
here are some pictures

Birthday boi wif the cake!;D

Mini birthday cake!

Happy 18th Ali!
after all these slack-ed there until 2 plus after he eat the cake go Alan house void deck put 20 cents for a super heavy run of waters! hahah fun man!;D
then went back original place slack, wait a couple gone then Alan go "buy" bicycle again..-.-
bt tis time the shop keeper no bargain, 1 price settle..;D
then wait wait awhile walk-ed home everyone and Kang Wei is having off day tomorrow! as Ali, he and mi have been going out for around 4 days sia...-.-
thats all for now!
*Your host is having sore throat=(