glad to be here bloggin once again.. hahax..
oh yea, let mi speak about yesterday ba, afternoon go Bishan meet Desmond, Benny and Olivia as Benny and Olivia are going get their cert which mi and Desmond gett-ed earlier on grad day le... (btw gett-ed is not an english word;D)
once again im late......!
this time not normal late..
it's super duper ultra late! late for around half an hours..=.=
when reach-ed go interchange wait them then cannot ta han the heat so decid-ed went to the kopi diam near-by my school there and have a ice kohsong for cooling up..;D
so when they get finish from school then meet them at kopi diam there..
sianz, my bad my bad, hais i always late nia..=(
hope the day of concert won't late ar bo, Ali, Kao they gonna murder mi.. hehe
after meet-ed went J8 walk-ed walk-ed as Oilvia wanna find job interview then saw Ken and his friend, surpris-ed! he quitt-ed his previous sucky no basic pay job.. grats to him..;D
and hope he can get in the fish restaurant job interview-ed yesterday..;D
then go food junction wait Des and Ben eating........
and then go arcade slack-ed then saw my primary school friend Jun Yong wif his friend oso at arcade there.. lols..
hmmmmmm~ soon we left Bishan and head-ed to Bugis there walk-ed walk-ed ok la, there mani chio bu c until drooling~ hehe~
but say frankly it was kinda bor-ed walking in Bugis Junction..
then we go arcade and lan c c, saw another yet primary school friend but he dunno mi liao la, as he primary 5 that year chang-ed school.. if nt wrong his name was Bing Xian? idk.. lols
soon we depart-ed to Marina once again we go walk-ed walk-ed and the went Suntec and discover-ed something "Real BIG" heez~
then went KFC for dinner and went buy icecream and went garden slack-ed slack-ed and talk-ed alot of things which is hard to explain it out fully details i was EMO for most of all then Benny was best entertainer of all as he creat-ed lots of laughter among us, hahax.. main character sia, lols slack-ed until 11.30pm+ night then Benny took bus home and the 3 of us took train home, at near MRT there saw yet another primary school friend Alvin bt sad for him he was acting like a monkey fool together wif his friends.. Laughs*
and then they board down at Yishun then i board down at Admiralty went toilet then walk-ed the long cut cos idk 630 kopidiam still got open anot bt sadly clos-ed need confirm wif Warren the closing time of the coffee shop soon..-.-
reach-ed 888 opposite was tir-ed like hell then saw Danny wif his stead sitting at void deck slack said a hi and a bye then go 7-11 bought 2 bottle of water chestnut drinks and went home peacefully...;DD
Today early morning my 2 little neighbour came my house creating havoc as usual which makes mi and my brother kind of piss off....
but afterall they r still child.. lols..
after they creat-ed the chaos in my house and then "Zhao Lang"...
1 word "Pro"..-.-
then call-ed PBT as my brother de PSP is dead again need PBT help heal the PSP but he was at his chio bu cousin house which at Khatib..-.-lll
freaking far and freaking long.... yawnnn~
so i call-ed Raymund another potential savor to the PSP but he chu stun once again by not answering callsss and idk why oso.. hais...
forget it....... depends on people why not depend on myself!
i'm gonna think of a way to save the PSP and save my life as well...
as i will never ever everrrrr! be a living tragedy in this earth..
not last time
not present
and not future!
i'll be sure that after my NS i'll be going back to school to study once again..
alright photos time! got 4!;D

Benny act GAY, lols

Benny again, lols

Desmond, Olivia and myself reflection at MRT

1 of my neighbour boi oh well, this fellow is a sensible boi compar-ed to his younger brother that is creating havoc.. hahax..