oh well~ lets recall things i did these few days..
on Monday afternoon went out wif Benny and Desmond, meeting venue is "Jurong Point"!
alright i take 187 from Woodlands interchange all the way there and Benny hop in the same bus when passes Bukit Panjang and the bus went for a freaking long time.......
finally we reached Boonlay interchange! so happy, hahax..
then Desmond reached earlier than us, then we 3 meet up went start shoppin for our CNY clothies! Wow! it's been a century since the last time i went Jurong Point..-.-"
changed so so so much and it's more BIGGER than CWP, J8, Sunplaza and more other shoppin centers...
1 word to describe it... cool~
if i walk there alone got a 80% chances i will get missing inside..=.=lll
oh well~ there was big but somehow like no much things to c lo, those clothes there are either too expensive or i dun like, lols so onli Des go try try clothes bt in the end he oso nv buy any at Jurong Point..;D
so we train-ed to Bugis which is the part i hate the most..
somemore we 3 r using adult fares, shit.....
alright reached then went Bugis Junction eat eat then went went to hunt for clothes again, this time Desmond bought a long-sleeve white/green top was nice looking!
then we went Bugis street to c c again, where the places i hate at bugis, as predictable, its squeezing like hell and im sweating like hell..-.-
but at there i bought a black short sleeve top then Des bought an black colour bottom..
onli Benny didn't bought anything...
and we went to Burger King to slack slack and Benny go "Da Bao" his dinner, then tis time Rong Siang and his stead oso come Bugis shoppin i guess, then he come BK find mi and show his LJ smiling face again.. lols..
then he and his stead go off le, then we bus-ed 960 home then Benny drop down at Bukit Panjang then mi and Des to Woodlands, then wanted find Benjamin but he didn't for on that day, so we went Metro Atrum bought a slippers for ourselves~
after that go civic center buy things eat eat then he bus-ed or train-ed back to home then i walk-ed home, was so freaking tired but gonna save up my bus fare tamade...
adult fare is simply so imba mani ppl is complaining and for those who are not using for a period simply dun understand our pain....
then at home Dota dota! afterwards at night going sleep jus when lying down on bed few mins more RS call-ed mi and talk-ed about his Angel online bullcrap for around more than half an hour..=.=llll
then Tuesday nothing special..
Yesterday went out wif Andre go CWP Parsamalam bought food go CWP walk 2 rounds and take "961" to Simlim but we take the wrong bus, tamade it's supposes to be 96"0" but we take 96"1" 960 961 960 961 onli 1 number different nia then so much differents, ahahax then we take around 2 hours, zzZZzzzZ board down at Outram park MRT there train-ed to Little India walk-ed to Simlim there wait him go exchange/repair his graphic card then we train-ed AGAIN.... to Braddell there Kao was waiting for us like dunno how long liao, lols then go salon there wait wait Ann come oso onli Andre and Ann cut their hair it's so short bt yet still need cut, lols...
then go eat after that, they 2 eat Tomyam mi and Kao kup money buy pineapple rice, $3.50 and it's so freaking lesss...-.-
but it's NICE! ;D
then we train-ed back to Woodland and cont to Marsiling then mi go Parsamalam bought some foodie and walk-ed homeeee!
go home dinner straight, then Andre they waiting mi inhouse game but after my dinner/bath everything everyones gone..=.=
alright shall stop here for now, it's simply bored to the highest point of the mountain!
good bye good morning good night!;D

Before going out..

Baby Neighbour took for mi

Aha he at my house eat dinner..;D

Ain't he cute? His my Neighbour baby always come my house slack 1.. Laughs~