then evening work until 5 plus Warren SMS mi say he come find mi as he pon school so come find mi together with his stead..
then i work till 6pm in between 5pm++-6pm 40 mins plus time he bomb mi phone for dunno how mani times and times.. hoho's!!
and they waited mi for around 45 mins? lols!
thats quite long mannn... then after that meet with them outside Isetan and together with Warren send his stead to Tampines bus interchange and we went "Old Chang Kee" buy curry puff and vegie dumpling to fill our stomach..;DD
so we 2 together take bus 168 straight back to woodlands interchange, on our way we talk alots of things, jokes talk alot cock together..haahax!
then i was like thirsty like hell nia! as buy food no buy water..-.-
and reached interchange went to the closes store buy water, kena TOK 1 bottle peach tea 1.60 bucks.. oh well nvm thats gonna be the last time i visit the shop anyway...;DD
then go slack at the nearby staircase of bus 912 bus stop wait him smoke first..
after he smoke take 912 together and then inside chit chat awhile i board down at 888there lo and he continue to his home..
Pictures of that day

Warren and me


At staircase during my lunch break.. STRESSSS!
then lunch break 12.50 go find Jia Bao at the bus stop outside Tampines Mall as he late for work.. omg work few days onli late.. lols..
then go kup money buy water drink sit there wait him smoke then he go work i go continues slack as let time passes........
usual places staircase.. cos it's near the punch hand place and there gt warm air if nt air-con whole day can die 1.. lols!
and we both wear black long sleeve office wear together with Red Isetan Tie looking style mannnnn! LOLS!
Morning received a call from Jia Bao as he late for work again?!
bt this time since he late he pon work....=.=
as he changed to morning shift this week then mi to afternoon, so i go meet him at 892 kopidiam slack and he called to Isetan tell a fellow with quite a high rank bomb that saying he sick his mom dun let him go work and he acted the voice.. ROFL!
then take 912 to 400+ Marsiling MRT area go Poly Clinic buy MC bt it's close on sunday, then mani other clinics oso closed or those too expensive 1.. he suay laa...haahax!!
then i perspired alot nia tamade wearing formal walk here walk there and he accompany mi go Marsiling MRT there wait bus go CWP slack go buy Old Chang Kee eat and go B1 sit down at chair with people haven't open shops so we sit there lo, who knows we sitted nt even 3 mins the ppl come open store and keep looking at us with a bad intentions inside her eyes.. Bad Eye Contact....;DD
then go Cold Storage buy Sushi eat and he go wait with mi for the 168 bus..
today go super early i reached there still gt 1 hour slack nia today the 168 bus machiam use nitro nia so fast reached tampines..=.=
so i walk around lo hoping to c someone bt didn't....
then sianz i go work le.... when my break time eat le go my usual staircase sit down waste time and i saw her.. happy nia dunno y oso..;DD
forget it......
then went back work with those aunties mani unhappy things happened during my work with those aunties...
tamade keep give mi stress and kpkb this kpkb that...
i wish tell them i had enough!!
bt i can't, i keep tell myself....... this is my attachment... this counted marks..... i can't let this emotions ruin my results..
onli those promoter de aunties are damn damn goooooooood! much better than those at cashier and customer service de.. then noe some new friends as well nia, part-time Guy Laroche, Billabong, Ashworth ,Crocs and some shoes and Pacific Sports de promoters they r nice and friendly!
im under lots of stress when handling picky customer when dun wan this dun wan that keep changing minds knn go hong kan laa...
these few days i working realli can't smile much..
and when doing balancing i hate most is i hear wrong or wat ask the aunty repeat the amount then kpkb AGAIN...
how i wish 30 november fast come and i can faster gooooooooooooooooooooooo!