Well..on monday i go school as normal luhs..
then end school as normal..xD
go home the first thing i do is bath second thing i do is on9 msn third thing i do is chat chat
forth thing i do is off my com then the fifth thing i do is go sleep..hahax
then wake up saw Alistair 3 missed call, then call back again luh..
i wanted to dye my hair then Warren oso with him so ask Warren answer the call then go meet they both as well as Ken and Rong Siang at cwp 5th floor carpark there, then go food court as Rong Siang wanna go eat so we accompany him luhs, then i talk wif Warren abt the dye my hair things uh, dunno nia i suddenly gt the urge wan dye hair so later we go watson c c luhs, $11 nia, quite cheap le..
if go salon $30-$35 nia..=.=
then after that we all go slack slack around cwp awhile go home!xD
then yesterday tuesday, was go sch as normal go back abit not normal..xD
y not normal? coz early dismiss..xD
actual 5pm change to 3pm, wooos~xD
after that go back Woodlands take MRT with Moses, Benjamin, Benny and Mei Ling luhs..
then soon reach Yishun Benny board off go find his stead so left we 4 luhs, then Benjamin, Mei Ling and mi board off at Woodlands..
i they go cwp as i oso went cwp, coz damn hungry sio wanna eat then go to the food court there c the prices sianz liao, everything the prices keep increase..=.=
TMD!! so decided dun eat, so when on my way leave go down escalator saw Wei Siang
he oso alone nia, so we 2 walked walked around tgt luhs..
haiz sianz nia! walked rounds of cwp until damn sianz liao...
then he go back M'sia i oso go home liao luhs..
go home bath chiong my CRN role play script!
from 7pm+ chiong till 9pm-10pm+
is like totally TMD sianz luh..
then when i finish go play Viwawa wif Benny..
soon awhile i logg off go slp le but can't fall asleep..F.U.C.K!
today~ wednesday!
oso went sch as normal go back as normal..
was late as wait for Benny at Bishan Interchange there luhs..
went sch teacher marked him late bt nv mark mi late, so i consider myself was quite lucky?
then went to canteen to eat..
eat le go back class for SES..
TMD! SES is the most sianz lesson liao..
coz i can't understand it! then somemore the Mr Ling always KPKB fucking cheebye kia! always talk wat no ppl understand 1 and his lesson majority of the ppl is sleeping, talking, playing PSP etc... v few will listen de..
then went to LPD lesson happi nia!
LPD=Free Period
Mr Chia person was so good nia, his lesson no stress no problem 1 hahax..
hmmmm~ think the best teacher i knew in this school ba?
after 2 hours of LPD go student hub there slack..
then break finish go back class for CRN tot today gt the role play nia then hu knows suddenly that Mrs Sabrina Ng go change the date..
nvm, anyway i and my role play partner Benny oso haven't fully prepare yet..
so let her c our script luhs...
she helped us improve on the script then i go home go type out on computer and print it out..
after that i think the role play has been postpone to friday or when le uhs..
dunno nia..
hahax hope can do well..
Everyone wish mi all the BEST!xD
currently doing nothing feel like rotting liao nia, at home always like tat de sio...
thats the main reason i like to go outside meet friends rather than stay home doing nothing and wasting my life spend!!!
hmmmmm~ shall blogg till here le, hmmmm~ now was 10.01PM..xD
gonna prepare go bath and sleep soon le wor~ hahax bye!