morning use com until 1.30pm go center find Tang Liang my primary school friend hahax..
go play Pool!!! and Lan!!! hahax
then go home around 4.30pm+ if i'm not wrong..

On the bus way home^^
then reached home around 5pm bahx..then go bath prepare~~ then PBT call me say he at CWP taxi stand waiting for me take taxi go to Orchard Parade Hotel for the Graduation nite!
then on bus 900 saw Danny!! long time no c..hahax
he wear until very handsome wor..hahax
he go meet Yan Ling then they 2 go together..(:
so i went meet PBT take taxi go luh..
reached there awhile more Andre,Hin Ann and Ah Kao oso reach liao..
so went inside wait awhile more go inside ballroom..
WOW inside the ballroom look around all the Boys are very handsome and Girls are very georgeous!! hahahax!!
taken many photosss there hahahax..

Me in the ballroom^^
Hin Ann, Ah Kao, Andre, PBT and Me
Me and Hin Ann
Me and Andre

Ah Kao, Me, Hin Ann and Andre
Ah Kao, Me, Hin Ann, Vanessa and Andre
In the nite there are some stupid events..LOL look below^^

Hmmmmm is this Sean?!? LOL!!!

Hahahax!! Daniel become "Chio Bu" sia..LOL!
Hmmmmm i still got taken some photos with my classmates other class friends and Mr Lim even he never teach me..hahax..gonna miss them..haizz~~

Me and Faiz

Me and Nazri

Afdhal and Me

Sharizal and Me

Me and Thana

Divyan and Me

Me and Faizal
Nazri, Divyan and Me

Me and Mr Lim
Hahax before leaving..lucky draw i win a big bag..out of so many lucky draw i taken in the past..this is the first time i tio a price..LOL which is at below but the photo was taken this morning 16/11/2007..

Hmmmm see the number 14 star on the bag? hahax it's the number of the paper wrapping the bag..
After that Ah Kao want go watch movie but then he not enough money la..nite show expensive de luh..then end up nv go see..=.=
so i share taxi home with Andre and PBT coz we all go the Admiralty way..
then Ah Kao, Hin Ann and Vanessa take another taxi..
after that reached home was sooooooo damn tired! hahax..
well...i guess it's super worth it!
but too bad i didn't take photo with some Danny, Nabil, Hairil, Raymund and some girls..LOL
Hmmmm then on my way home too boring so i took a photo under 899..

Hahax soooo tired~~
Well~~then i reached home go bath..then use com just for a few mins?
nothing to do..just go sleeping liao luh..ZzzzzzZzzzzZzzzzZzzzz~~~
looking forward to the next posting..hahahax