Hi people!
Yesterday before book out we the HAWK had a fierce train-ing to prepare for our this com-ing week IPPT test where money counts! lols!
after months of train-ing since PTP and BMT and after each failure from fail to pass after mani IPPT tests before which i fail-ed to achieve the results i want-ed..
this time, however i'm confident i had made quite a big improvement compar-ed to the last IPPT i had...
bt however i dunno that improvement can push mi to get a silver anot?
the onli problem i'm worri-ed the most is the 2.4km run..
to get silver or even the future maybe gold means alot to mi lo...
firstly money not enough le and most of all is to prove myself that how much i've improve from a zero-fighter to a potential silver..
Somehow it's already Oct and going to Nov le..
time realli flies gonna be an 5 months soldier soon already.. hahaha!
and and some person are realli gett-ing on my nerves already, that everytime show some attitude huh..
yet another tragedy of this year...
almost same as the ITET..... bored....
Alright now shall proceed to my sleep-ing session le, gett-ing realli damn tired!
wish mi can perform on 101% of myself on 281009 wednesday IPPT!
i dun wan dissapoint Sgt Alvin, platoon sgt, RZ, YT, Eric those encourag-ed and had confident in mi!
get a good rest and prepare for wednesday BIG TEST!
Strive for success! strive for the best!
荣誉和勇气! 飞鹰!!
Honour and Courage! Hawk!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
All th BesT to my IppT!
Hi people!
last friday hav-ing Depavali celebrat-ion at camp so our fellow indian friends are hav-ing an earlier book out! shoik! haha
then left we all the chinesessss went to West Coast Park for a run..=)
ok la, scenery there was niceeeeee! but just that the weather is damn to HOT!
just imagine like stand-ing infront of a oven which is on the highest degree..
si bei de hot hot nia.. hais..
after the run went to the Mac nearby wif Raymond and Zi Yi go there eat dinner..
eat finish liao we went back wif Terence, Ming Kai, Johann and Zi Sheng..
Zi Sheng jitao most sian 1, cos on tat day he kena guard duty, for we all are book out day for him is onli nights out day mean-ing he need go back camp at night.. hahaha!
then these few days didn't realli went out, cos i'm feel-ing veri sick since yesterday morn-ing
so yesterday i sleep until afternoon then wake up, fail-ed to meet wif Ah Chui and fellow BX friends at Cine.. psps..
Alright today's the most bor-ing moment of all times le..
which is BOOK IN DAY!=(
needa train extra hard for my coming IPPT..
at least a Silver for mi this year uhs?
but by next year i'm targett-ing for a GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!
and heard that ATP is com-ing soon as well..
god bless mi to get a marksmanship back...
sooooooooooooooooooo long didn't touch my SAR 21 already, maybe now i can't even aim properly? haha
but realli hope to achieve the marksman!
okay! now i gonna went out to top up my milo and biscuits for later bring-ing in to camp le!
happy weekend people!=)
*IPPT Silver and Marksman.......... I'm Coming!
last friday hav-ing Depavali celebrat-ion at camp so our fellow indian friends are hav-ing an earlier book out! shoik! haha
then left we all the chinesessss went to West Coast Park for a run..=)
ok la, scenery there was niceeeeee! but just that the weather is damn to HOT!
just imagine like stand-ing infront of a oven which is on the highest degree..
si bei de hot hot nia.. hais..
after the run went to the Mac nearby wif Raymond and Zi Yi go there eat dinner..
eat finish liao we went back wif Terence, Ming Kai, Johann and Zi Sheng..
Zi Sheng jitao most sian 1, cos on tat day he kena guard duty, for we all are book out day for him is onli nights out day mean-ing he need go back camp at night.. hahaha!
then these few days didn't realli went out, cos i'm feel-ing veri sick since yesterday morn-ing
so yesterday i sleep until afternoon then wake up, fail-ed to meet wif Ah Chui and fellow BX friends at Cine.. psps..
Alright today's the most bor-ing moment of all times le..
which is BOOK IN DAY!=(
needa train extra hard for my coming IPPT..
at least a Silver for mi this year uhs?
but by next year i'm targett-ing for a GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!
and heard that ATP is com-ing soon as well..
god bless mi to get a marksmanship back...
sooooooooooooooooooo long didn't touch my SAR 21 already, maybe now i can't even aim properly? haha
but realli hope to achieve the marksman!
okay! now i gonna went out to top up my milo and biscuits for later bring-ing in to camp le!
happy weekend people!=)
*IPPT Silver and Marksman.......... I'm Coming!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Happy birthday to Ken and my bro Zhong Hong!
So fast.. so fast..
back to Kranji Camp life..-.-"
somesort like prefer-ing life at Sungei Gedong Camp was better..
foods better... instructor was good... better sleep-ing place...
back to Kranji i can c most of my platoonmates and most of all, my friends..
but but..
back to Kranji gt 1 bad news.......
thats i needa go thru another 2 weeks of stupid course!=.="
dur-ing life at Sungei Gedong i've learnt mani mani things, be it life and be it tanks..
noe mani new friends there as from different company as well..
now back to Kranji had a 2 more week course so most probly i'll c-ing the same guys again.. haha
train and learn together to be a good Operator..=)
Yesterday was a long day for mi nia..
morning meet Xiao Bai at Pasir Ris go to Lavender meet Hin Cong and Zi Yi go Beach Road buy army stuffs..
then meet Kee Han go eat and Lucas oso came..
everyone reach-ed went buy things, i bought a sling bag for onli $4.50, cheap uhs.. LOL
and also bought Vocation badge cos dunno which idiot took mine while others had 4 i onli had 3..-.-"
after that take bus to Kovan MRT meet Kao then went to Serangoon Gargen after that to meet Ken and co. to celebrate his 19th birthday..
reach-ed there go inside K-Garden eat eat drink drink, didn't sing much..-,-
after that Kang Wei bought a cake for birthday boi and of cos sang a song for him..
finish whole event mi went to IMM as my dad drive mi there to celebrate my elder bro birthday, then some the rest went Yishun to had dinner as Kang Wei go home drive his car out..
then reach-ed IMM wait-ed my bro to finish work then went Bukit Timah for dinner..
foods damn nice alright..=)
after that went back home dota dota and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Hawk Combat Team!

Lucas, Me, Kee Han, Hin Cong and Zi Yi.. Aiseh Boss at middle Smok-ing siahhhhh! haha!

Happy 19th birthday to Lim Chee Xiong Ken!

111009 K-Garden, Happy 19th to Ken!
Today is my book in day! Fed Up!=(
So fast.. so fast..
back to Kranji Camp life..-.-"
somesort like prefer-ing life at Sungei Gedong Camp was better..
foods better... instructor was good... better sleep-ing place...
back to Kranji i can c most of my platoonmates and most of all, my friends..
but but..
back to Kranji gt 1 bad news.......
thats i needa go thru another 2 weeks of stupid course!=.="
dur-ing life at Sungei Gedong i've learnt mani mani things, be it life and be it tanks..
noe mani new friends there as from different company as well..
now back to Kranji had a 2 more week course so most probly i'll c-ing the same guys again.. haha
train and learn together to be a good Operator..=)
Yesterday was a long day for mi nia..
morning meet Xiao Bai at Pasir Ris go to Lavender meet Hin Cong and Zi Yi go Beach Road buy army stuffs..
then meet Kee Han go eat and Lucas oso came..
everyone reach-ed went buy things, i bought a sling bag for onli $4.50, cheap uhs.. LOL
and also bought Vocation badge cos dunno which idiot took mine while others had 4 i onli had 3..-.-"
after that take bus to Kovan MRT meet Kao then went to Serangoon Gargen after that to meet Ken and co. to celebrate his 19th birthday..
reach-ed there go inside K-Garden eat eat drink drink, didn't sing much..-,-
after that Kang Wei bought a cake for birthday boi and of cos sang a song for him..
finish whole event mi went to IMM as my dad drive mi there to celebrate my elder bro birthday, then some the rest went Yishun to had dinner as Kang Wei go home drive his car out..
then reach-ed IMM wait-ed my bro to finish work then went Bukit Timah for dinner..
foods damn nice alright..=)
after that went back home dota dota and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep!
Hawk Combat Team!
Lucas, Me, Kee Han, Hin Cong and Zi Yi.. Aiseh Boss at middle Smok-ing siahhhhh! haha!
Happy 19th birthday to Lim Chee Xiong Ken!
111009 K-Garden, Happy 19th to Ken!
Today is my book in day! Fed Up!=(
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Happy Birthday to Jia Jun and Sgt Alvin!
So fast... my 3 weeks BX Operator driv-ing course is gonna be over le, now left the last third week to go le!
dur-ing last week train-ing was "tough" as the tough i mean is not physically tough.. it's mentality and endurance..
everyday needa endure and drive a BIG BIG TANK under the freak-ing HOT sun..
then keep on kena scold and yell-ed and while watch-ing others driv-ing, the only thing we can do is "Eat Sand" lols!
but anyway still left 1 more week to go! must endure through!
final week got lots of test and shit to do like clean-ing our tank.. haha!
hope i can learn as mani as possible by this week!!
cos i now still alot of things quite blur and un-sure of how and what to do.. hais..
Then on last friday night went back Kranji Camp so so veri happy nia misses alot of my friends there!
like Kee Han, Yao Tian, ,Li Qiang, Kumar and the others!
went back take our black beret went back bunk to talk cock wif Yao Tian and Li Qiang they all..=)
until lights off tim-ing went sleep but idk y the bed so dusty nia i ly-ing down keep scratch-ing from 2240 to around 2315 like tat nia then buey ta han so went for a night shower..=)
went back wear admin tee and continue sleeeeeeeeeeeep!
nex day morn-ing went for Parade for officially present us our black beret!
so happy nia! finally after 4 months we had our beret!
dur-ing parade listen to CO Sir speech and i remember it's Sir Thomas help-ed mi wear the beret 1.. LOLS!
after the parade went bunk pack up things and prepare book out..=)
then it's Sgt Alvin birthday! so the whole company sang a birthday song for him lo..
march-ed out the gate went take MRT back Woodland and went straight home..=)
then around 4pm went Novena meet up wif Li Qiang, Yao Tian, Raymond and of cos the Birthday boi Jia Jun and his girlfriend..=)
so damn long nv c Jia Jun sia, glad to heard his life at SISPEC was still ok, learn-ing mani things to become future SGT.. HAHA!
because of the birthday monk we everyone that night eat vegetarian, steady uhs? hahaha!
he bring us walk walk walk walk walk walk go a vegetarian restaurant bt it's fully book-ed due to other ppl wedd-ing.. sian nia..
wedd-ing all go eat vegetables? Laughs*
then went all to Orchard eat at food court.. laughs*
Yao Tian is jitao hungry until like siao already.. haha! nag here and there for FOOD! MEAT! lols!
but we all end up still eat-ing vege for the sake of birthday vegetarian JJ Loo.. haha
after went Cine play arcade slack slack saw Shi Ming there lols my Signal IC..=)
then went down chill awhile saw Kian Hao wif his friends at there chit chat awhile jiu train-ed home wif Jia Jun and his girlfriend while others went the different way~~~~
Later gonna book in liao..
wish mi all the best for my driv-ing and direct-ing test!
*Current Operator... Future Driver!
So fast... my 3 weeks BX Operator driv-ing course is gonna be over le, now left the last third week to go le!
dur-ing last week train-ing was "tough" as the tough i mean is not physically tough.. it's mentality and endurance..
everyday needa endure and drive a BIG BIG TANK under the freak-ing HOT sun..
then keep on kena scold and yell-ed and while watch-ing others driv-ing, the only thing we can do is "Eat Sand" lols!
but anyway still left 1 more week to go! must endure through!
final week got lots of test and shit to do like clean-ing our tank.. haha!
hope i can learn as mani as possible by this week!!
cos i now still alot of things quite blur and un-sure of how and what to do.. hais..
Then on last friday night went back Kranji Camp so so veri happy nia misses alot of my friends there!
like Kee Han, Yao Tian, ,Li Qiang, Kumar and the others!
went back take our black beret went back bunk to talk cock wif Yao Tian and Li Qiang they all..=)
until lights off tim-ing went sleep but idk y the bed so dusty nia i ly-ing down keep scratch-ing from 2240 to around 2315 like tat nia then buey ta han so went for a night shower..=)
went back wear admin tee and continue sleeeeeeeeeeeep!
nex day morn-ing went for Parade for officially present us our black beret!
so happy nia! finally after 4 months we had our beret!
dur-ing parade listen to CO Sir speech and i remember it's Sir Thomas help-ed mi wear the beret 1.. LOLS!
after the parade went bunk pack up things and prepare book out..=)
then it's Sgt Alvin birthday! so the whole company sang a birthday song for him lo..
march-ed out the gate went take MRT back Woodland and went straight home..=)
then around 4pm went Novena meet up wif Li Qiang, Yao Tian, Raymond and of cos the Birthday boi Jia Jun and his girlfriend..=)
so damn long nv c Jia Jun sia, glad to heard his life at SISPEC was still ok, learn-ing mani things to become future SGT.. HAHA!
because of the birthday monk we everyone that night eat vegetarian, steady uhs? hahaha!
he bring us walk walk walk walk walk walk go a vegetarian restaurant bt it's fully book-ed due to other ppl wedd-ing.. sian nia..
wedd-ing all go eat vegetables? Laughs*
then went all to Orchard eat at food court.. laughs*
Yao Tian is jitao hungry until like siao already.. haha! nag here and there for FOOD! MEAT! lols!
but we all end up still eat-ing vege for the sake of birthday vegetarian JJ Loo.. haha
after went Cine play arcade slack slack saw Shi Ming there lols my Signal IC..=)
then went down chill awhile saw Kian Hao wif his friends at there chit chat awhile jiu train-ed home wif Jia Jun and his girlfriend while others went the different way~~~~
Later gonna book in liao..
wish mi all the best for my driv-ing and direct-ing test!
*Current Operator... Future Driver!
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